Tuesday, April 29, 2014


April 20 - 29, 2014

We left Treasure for Marsh Harbor to pick up supplies and get Grady groomed. Randy rode his little "clown" bike all over Marsh Harbor and came back loaded with, among other things, a piece of hose, groceries, and an anchor for the dinghy.  While he waited for me to get Grady from the groomers, he entertained (or was entertained by) three Bahamian boys who had the day off from school.  They stay around the public dock to help boaters hoping to get tips.  They were very interested to hear about life in the States especially NBA players and our highways. The only American fast food restaurant in Marsh Harbor is KFC and Randy gave them all money for lunch at KFC when we left. While in Marsh Harbor we also snorkeled and went to the Jib Room for rib night where we were entertained by a Bahamian limbo dancer. From Marsh Harbor we continued on to Little Harbor which is the farthest south we've been in the Abacos. It was well worth the trip and an especially beautiful area. The harbor we were in had lots of sea turtles and
crystal clear water. The restaurant there Pete's Pub is an interesting place. All open air with only sand floors and decorations of hundreds of t-shirts hanging from the ceiling and we were happy to see a NC State shirt someone had left behind. You have to see this place to appreciate. Also there is a foundry where the original owners son, Pete, makes bronze sculptures.  We bought a small piece although some sell for five figures and are amazing. The work is beautiful but the facility and equipment hasn't changed in the last 50 years.  We had met a couple, Bev and Chas, from New York earlier in our trip and ran into them at Little Harbor and spent a lot of time with them for the next few days. Yankees and Southerners mix well in the AbacosWe snorkeled one day right off the beach and Randy finally saw what I love about snorkeling with unbelievable coral, fish, and turtles.   After a few days we started back and hit some of our favorites from other trips, Tahiti Beach, Cracker P's and Guana. While in Treasure we met a girl who told us about collecting sea glass and we walked a lot of beaches looking for sea glass and have started a little collection. As I write this we are returning to Treasure Cay for one of the highlights of the trip when Brad and Amanda arrive tomorrow! The only thing better would be if Scott, Jessica and Hunter could be here too!  

Sea Turtle beside our boat in Little Harbor.

Searching for sea glass.

No sea glass to be found today!

The beginning of our sea glass collection.

Hundreds of T-shirts but none hung more proudly than this Wolfpack jersey! 

The "famous" Pete's Pub in Little Harbor.
One of the many bronze castings by artist sculptor, Pete Johnston

Bronze casting for sale in the gallery for $25,000!!!

The family truck!

A little cultural exchange going on!  Very nice and polite young men.
This guy was amazing!  He had to dislocate his knees and ankles before this feat!

Speed Bumps....Little Harbor style!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Melissa and Harry Visit

April 12 - 19, 2014

We were happy to have Harry and Melissa Bynum from Rocky Mount visit for a week.   Harry and Randy are friends from Rocky Mount and we heard many, many stories of the good old days!  They rented a condo at the marina where we are staying and were just a short walk away.  We went to Guana one day, rented a golf cart to explore Treasure Cay another day and enjoyed the beautiful beach which takes your breath away every time you cross the street and see that amazing blue water.  We introduced them to some of the activities that have become our routine in our short time here which include Bingo night, pizza night and dinner at Burners restaurant with Chris "Burner" Russell entertaining.  We've met many friends  - both four legged and two legged - because of Grady but one day this week while he was under the table at lunch a large dog passed through the restaurant and lunged at Grady and bit him. We didn't realize at first until someone at another table told us he was bleeding.  Luckily, it wasn't too bad and thankfully missed his eye and is fine now.  We've enjoyed having company for the last two weeks with Connie here for a week and then Melissa and Harry and hate to see our company go.  We plan to visit some other islands next week and eagerly await a visit from Brad and Amanda on April 30th!

Somewhere over the rainbow is...Treasure Cay, Abaco Bahamas!

 Harry and Melissa playing the ring game.

Starfish in the water at Guana Cay.

Relaxing at Grabbers Bar with a Grabber!

Lazy day on Guana

Grady let this little boy bury him in the sand!

Afternoon cocktails at Treasure Sands Club

The drinks were as good as they looked  

First time I've see pink pilings on a dock!

Treasure Sands Club

Pizza night at Tipsy Seagull with entertainment by Chris "Burner" Russell.

A small version of a Junkanoo parade.  Similar to our Mardi Gras.

As they say in the Abacos..."Come back Soon"!

Poor Grady -  but he's ok now

Perfect place to celebrate Easter Sunday at sunrise

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Connie Week

April 7-14, 2014

Our good friend from Wilson, Connie Heavener arrived April 7th. We had a great week and Connie rented a room directly behind our boat dock. We enjoyed the beautiful Treasure Cay beach, a day at Guana, bingo night, rides in the dinghy, meals onboard the Loon and good restaurants, and a very entertaining night at Burners restaurant with local entertainment 

Connie and Pat (a/k/a Lucy and Ethel) out for a ride

Connie at the helm - scary but true!

Randy's Bahamian hair stylist 

         Beach at Grabbers

Playing the ring game

Burners Restaurant

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Green Turtle to Treasure Cay to Marsh Harbour to Guana Cay Mar 30-April 6

After spending nearly a week in Green Turtle waiting for favorable weather conditions to navigate around Whale Cay, we departed at 9am on Sunday, March 30 with a slack tide.  The Whale Cay passage can be very dangerous so perfect conditions are mandatory.  We led the way with a 46' Mainship following us.  After rounding Whale Cay and entering the Sea of Abaco, we cruised 7 miles over to Treasure Cay where we got fuel, water, and anchored on a mooring ball.  Treasure Cay has a beach that is rated as one of the top 10 in the world...and we agree!  See photos below.  Treasure Cay will be our "home port" for a while as friends will be visiting us there and renting rooms at the local hotel.  Wed night was Bingo and Taco Night.  There were five games of Bingo and Pat and I won 2 of the 5 games with each prize being lunch for two at the waterfront restaurant.  After five days in Treasure we headed up to Marsh Harbour to reunite with our friends on Koala, a beautiful 85' Burger yacht.  We anchored in the harbor, enjoyed drinks and dinner at Snappas Grill with our friends and left for Guana the next day.  We spent the next 3 days anchored in Fishers Bay, a very short dinghy ride to Grabbers Bar & Grill.  It is hands-down my favorite place in all of the Abacos.  Very friendly people and the best signature drink, "The Grabber" in the Abacos.  On Sat night they cooked a pig in a La Caja China box, just like the one my friend Cameron Farmer uses. It was great food!  On Sunday they have a Conch Bar and the chef prepares fresh conch salad right in front of you.  An added treat was that we were able to meet the owners of Grabbers. A fun group of people from Daytona Beach FL.  While on a walk Sunday morning we heard music from the little waterfront church and went in for the service which was a mix of tourists and locals with attendance of 37 that morning.  Also got a chance to chat with folks on a large yacht from Maryland, "Winning Drive" owned by the owner of the Baltimore Ravens.  Although we didnt get an opportunity to visit Bakers Bay (the new playground of the rich and famous) at the north end of Guana, we had drinks with a group from California who were staying there and mentioned the following celebrities were there also, Reese Witherspoon, Mark Wahlberg, and George Stephanopoulus.  Also at Bakers Bay was the 365' mega yacht Attessa IV owned by billionaire Dennis Washington.  Oh well...we had more fun at Grabbers! Now it's back to Treasure Cay awaiting the arrival of our good friend Connie Heavener for a week.

Poolside at the Tipsy Seagull bar in Treasure Cay

Treasure Cay beach

Winning BINGO card!

Cooling it at the beach!

A little underwater maintenance required.

After a tough day at the beach, Grady had to take a nap.

Entrance to Marsh Harbour

Mr LOCO in attendance at the Pig Picking  
Fresh conch salad


Sundown at Grabbers.  Our boat is anchored in this bay.

Sat evening bonfire

Pig Picking

Cleaning bottom of dinghy after leaving it too long in the water in Florida
