Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Continuing North

May 27 - June 10, 2014

One of our first stops was at St. Augustine Marine Center to get some work done on the boat. We rented a car and drove to Fort Lauderdale to visit Mark and Pixie Mothena who are always our wonderful Florida hosts. After we got back to St. Augustine, we found the boat was not going to be able to be put back in the water until Monday so we headed to Atlanta and had a visit with Brad and Amanda. As it turned out the delay wasn't so bad since we got to visit with friends and family. Our next stop was Fernandina Beach for what we had expected to be the night but...the next morning we had a dead battery. As luck would have it, we could not get a battery in Fernandina and had to stay there for three days. While Randy dealt with the battery  issues, I explored Fernandina Beach with shopping, lunch at good restaurants, a trolley tour and a pedicure so my time wasn't wasted.  We've had very little bad weather or rain until one afternoon we ran into quite a storm with almost zero visibility and lots of lightning. With the GPS we were fine and passed through it to calm water and blue skies.We anchored for a couple of nights with beautiful scenery and enjoy taking a dinghy cruise in the evening and have been able to get some close up pictures of egrets and other birds.   But we continue to enjoy the beautiful scenery, seeing dolphin again since there are not many in the Abacos , and all the beautiful birds. Every night the sunset is beautiful and we really should get up early more often because when we do, the sunrise is always amazing.

Happy to have the dolphin follow us again

Glad to be up early this morning

Thankful for GPS

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